404 03.02.2012 9:37:47
"Čím jsi zabila tu slepici?” - "Tím bumerangem, co visel venku na šňůře.” - "Ještě jednou mi šáhneš na ponožky a zlomím ti podprsenku!”
402 28.12.2011 20:11:55
V lékárně si mladík zádumčivě prohlíží vystavené zboží.
Lékárník: "Mladý muži, mohu vám pomoci? Potřebujete prezervativy?"
"Bohužel, pozdě. Dva Sunary, prosím."
395 27.12.2011 21:33:03
381 21.12.2011 22:16:37
A cop sees an older gentleman staggering slightly down the street. It's 1:00 in the morning. He pulls over for a chat.
"Good evening, sir," the cop says. "Is everything OK?"
"Why yes, officer, thank you," the man says, speaking a bit thickly.
"Where are you headed?" the cop asks.
"I'm on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body," the man says with certainty.
"Sir, it's 1:00 in the morning," the cop says. "Who would be giving a lecture on that topic at this hour?"
The man nods, looks the cop in the eye, and says, "My wife."
376 21.12.2011 22:16:36
"Tati a bila tě někdy tvoje maminka?"
"Ne, jenom ta tvoje."
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